
Mean girls don’t stop in grade school.

August 23, 2019

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Mean girls don’t stop in grade school…

And they don’t stop in college.

And they don’t stop as a young woman.

And they don’t stop as a married woman.

And they don’t stop in motherhood.

They keep on going… and going, and going.

So how do we overcome, resist the urge to hurt back, and for the love- stop the madness?

We love harder. Eh, probably not what you wanted to hear, huh? I know, I know more than you can even imagine.

Yes, I was the girl that was modest from the start. I wore the one piece when all my friends had on two pieces. I was the girl that went through a major tomboy stage and loved riding horseback versus playing with barbies.

I was the girl that didn’t watch certain movies, or read certain popular books that came out because they didn’t align with the Bible, and my momma protected my mind from those things. But it didn’t come without a price of being made fun of with my peers.

Yes, I was the girl that was called “the big friend” in middle school. My best friend was the cutest petite blonde with the cutest little body (she is STILL adorable and I love her big) – I was constantly compared. I’ll never forget the hurtful words.

Yes, I was the girl with the big blue velcro back brace on as a freshmen. Yes, I was the girl that everyone knew had the health issues. Yes, I was the girl that dated the senior as a freshmen and her daddy and momma went on her first date with and got made fun of terribly bad. Then prom came around and I wasn’t allowed to go so the teasing got worse.

Yes, I was the girl that said I wanted to graduate high school a year early to get the heck of dodge. I was underrated. People didn’t think I’d do it. They talked. When I graduated, I was the girl that didn’t get all the graduation congrats, and definitely didn’t have the praise of my peers. I was called all sorts of things.

Yes, I’m the girl in college that took the heat because I played in an old country band, and traveled to opry houses with my parents. I was the girl that had a childhood friend look me dead in the eye and ask me my name in our college town when I said hello, because I was not apart of a sorority. I was the girl that hung out with the “rowdy crowd” and some didn’t understand.

Yes, I’m the girl that moved back in with her parents after college to pursue music, only to get pregnant out of wedlock- with a person with rough reputation. Friends literally vanished into thin air, it seemed.

Yes, I’m the girl that went through years of heartbreaking, devastating domestic violence. Some stood up for me, while others called me “crazy” and made fun. I’ll never forget the ones that were my people during this. Ever.

Yes, I’m the girl that does network marketing and have had friends never like, comment, show up or buy one single thing from my small business. They snicker, make fun, even some have posted on social media about what I do. Instead of trying to understand.

Yes, I’m the girl that married a divorced, single dad and moved to the middle of nowhere. I was made fun of for where I live, what my husband’s profession was, etc. I lost friends over things that were said ( a blessing.)

This may be like your story- it may not be. But I bet somewhere, somehow- you too, have experienced this stupid mean girl stuff.

Can I be honest? I’ve been the mean girl, too. I got so sick of it, I would do it in return a hundred times worse. Even though my momma’s words of “take the high road” lingered in my mind.

Guess what? IT NEVER MADE IT BETTER. Never.

So here’s the deal-

1. Get the heck away from people that make you feel less than! There are BILLIONS of people in the world. Quit settling for the garbage. Go find someone else.

2. KNOW WHO YOU ARE. This took me forever to learn. What people say does NOT define you. If you know who you are, words won’t hurt, sis. They’ll roll off your back.

3. Be your OWN biggest encourager! Quit giving your power away. Nobody died on the cross for you besides Jesus, so nobody else’s opinion matters. Wake up encouraged, mind renewed, and pat your own back daily!

4. Quit wishing people would change and MAKE A CHANGE. Like seriously- that person that brings out the worst? Let. them. GO. The person you keep arguing with? Bye Felicia. (not your husband- arguing is gonna happen- I mean come on dude put the toilet paper roll on the right way. ugh 😉 )

5. Teach the girls in your life how to BE KIND!!!! I can’t stress this enough. Expose your children to people that aren’t like you and show them how to LOVE them. You are literally being proactive in the nice girl movement when you do this.

6. Remember that you will probably fall short, and so learn to apologize, own your own mistakes. Be good at saying sorry. If you try to talk to someone and they ignore you- let it go, sis. You tried, you did the right thing. Walk on.

7. And lastly- LOVE HARDER. To everyone. Give the grace you want to receive. Be a little kinder, a little nicer, smile more, welcome people into your circle that have had to sit alone…do more of what Jesus did.

A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need. Pro 17:17

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Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Phillipians 4:6


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