
15 Months.

July 14, 2014

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Wow. Today, on July 14th, 2015 you turn 15 months old. Where have the past 15 months gone, my love? I really can’t tell you how fast time goes when you have your own children and are living an adult life. It seemed when I was a child, time stood still- summer would NEVER come, Christmas was TOO far away, my birthday was never going to happen and school was forever long. Now- my perspective has changed drastically. I so wish I could sometimes rewind time to visit those days of you so softly cooing on my chest and the 3am meetings we would have while I watched you smile and rocked you back to sleep. I wish I could watch you trying to sit up or crawl again. Yes, I have the videos- but I wish I could be in that moment in real time, sometimes.

So many firsts have happened in these short 15 months. Here are a few of your new discoveries and accomplishments:

– You went on your 1st out of state road trip. You were such a trooper! You loved when we would play the music in the car. You have a new dance move of not only head-banging but now if you really like a song you raise your hands in the air and wave them. It’s the cutest. You went to Ruidoso, NM to watch Uncle T’s horse “Kiss My Hocks” – you got to meet him in the barn, but you weren’t too sure of him. I’m guessing it is his demeanor. You loves the races- and of course the races and everyone loved you- my little celebrity child.

– On Sunday July 5th – the morning before KMH ran in the Rainbow trials- Gigi and I were standing in the bathroom getting dressed as you were running freely- when you ran by I said “I love you!” You stopped, looked up and said “I love you.” It was the most perfect sound. Gigi and I acted like total idiots when it happened- we might have even cried a little. We were SO excited! I was scared you might never say it again after the way we rejoiced- but you have. 💗 I’m still waiting to get it on recording.

– On July 12th- after reading our bedtime book, and then saying our prayers you said “Amen.” My heart soared. I was so proud of you. I promise you I will always teach you that God loves you SO much and also encourage you to have a relationship with Him. Jesus loves you baby girl- this I know.

– You have started throwing full blown fits. It’s really not the best thing ever- but, nonetheless it’s happening. In ruidoso you threw your very 1st- throwing yourself on the ground, kicking and screaming fit. Since I’m much like your Granddad- I very calmly, but very “matter-of-fact” like picked you up and told you that you were not acting very pretty and it is perfectly okay for you to be tired, but unacceptable for you to behave that way. You know when I am being serious, and I appreciate you not acting like any futher that day. 😉

– You have started getting opinionated. I am all for a head-strong, know what she wants type of gal- however I was anticipating this to begin at perhaps 2 or 3- not 15 months old. You have a favorite pair of shoes- they are pink and lime green Stride Rite tennis shoes with flowers and Velcro buckles. They are cute- I bought them for you so clearly I like them- but baby girl, they just don’t match with much. You think they’re the greatest. Last weekend I had you in an outfit that needed your black sandals- which let me tell you- Mimi about passes out everytime you wear them because she has such a fit over how adorable they are- trust me on this one, I won’t ever have you dressed in anything less than cuteness. I promise. But you didn’t want the black sandals, you wanted your pink shoes. I won- but the next day you won. Before church, I had a little colorful dress on you and wanted you to wear your white and multicolor sandals. You decided you did not want to wear sandals at all- but instead you absolutely needed to wear your gold moccasins. I complied- you wore them on the way to church, and right before walking in, I put the white and multicolored sandals on you. 😉

– Kisses. Girl- let me tell you. Those kisses are like gold and you sure have been giving them out lately! When you leave Gigi and Grandad’s house you wave and say “BYE!” (In your VERY Texas accent) they tell you to come give them shuggies and you go back and forth between saying bye, running to the back door and then running back to them with your lips puckered up making the “muahhhh” sound. It’s hilarious and so incredibly sweet.

– you can also say Emmy and Dog. You fuss at Emmy and Riley (Mimis dog). You have watched Mimi fuss at Riley and she claps her hands together and points so now you do the same. You love both of those dogs- and they love you.

I’m thankful God chose me to be your momma 15 months ago and I am breathing in each and every moment deeply with you. Every evening we go outside- you could live outside if I would let you. Those moments of watching you explore your freedom, smell the flowers (or lack thereof in my yards case) and carry your pink little lawn chair to where ever you may please is so amazing to me. I could watch you for hours.

I love you Lincoln Adele. You are my heart.

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Farm-to-table jianbing kickstarter, mixtape taxidermy actually scenester. Asymmetrical tattooed locavore meggings YOLO organic.

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Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Phillipians 4:6


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