

April 15, 2015

Farm-to-table jianbing kickstarter, mixtape taxidermy actually scenester. Asymmetrical tattooed locavore meggings.

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ONE. What seems to be such a small, small number has so much meaning behind it. As your mother, I can’t even begin to describe or tell you what feelings I am having with your birthday coming in just a few hours. 4.14.14 is the day that my life truly began. I remember the day your daddy and I found out about you. We were both in the doctors’ office waiting patiently for the results to come back from the pregnancy test. This was after 2 negative at-home tests- but I knew something was different with my body and I knew deep down it was you. The doctor came in and told us the news…Silence. Tears. And hugs and kisses. I don’t think either of us really knew what to think. We were of course, so excited but we didn’t know how to show it. From that point on, life changed dramatically and we were both so thankful it did. We started making plans- what a happy and exciting time for us. My body started changed- daddy would kiss you goodbye (via my tummy obviously) every single day when he left for work and he told you he loved you. I started singing to you from the 1st day I found out. I just knew you were going to be soothed by my voice and that you would share the love of music like I do- and I was right.

Your daddy did not want me to wait to go into labor naturally- the hospital was a good 30 minutes from our home and there was road construction at the time. He also didn’t want to be at work and not able to get to me fast enough- so we planned for your arrival. Dr. Uribe told me I could have you as earlier as April 8th- I decided not to do that and to have you as close to your due date (which flipped flopped between April 16th and April 17th constantly), so I decided on April 14th, 2014. I liked the way the date sounded and looked, too. That was important to me. 🙂 After 14.5 hours of labor- 2 hours of pushing- there you were. They put you on my chest and I immediately burst into tears because my heart was SO overwhelmed. You were mine and you were perfect in every single way. I couldn’t control the emotions- they took over every aspect of my body. Daddy cried too. I think everyone in the room did. We were all so excited to meet you, baby girl. When they took you away to get you cleaned up and weighed etc- it seemed like an eternity before I held you again. I couldn’t wait to kiss you, smell you and look at your sweet, sweet face. Nothing has changed- I still do.

You are our “sweet baby” as your dad calls you. And I call you “princess” or actually “PIN-CESS.” You are my angel from above. God really knew what he was doing- I am constantly amazed at what His plans are. Jeremiah 29:11 has never been so true.

You have been very advanced from a super young age. You held your head up in the hospital- rolled over for the 1st time at 3 weeks old and haven’t slowed down since. You started sitting up at 5 months- crawling at 6 months- pulling up on everything and walking along things at 8 months and walking at 10.5 months. Here you are at 12 months and you have started going way too fast with walking! I tell you “SLOW DOWN SPEEDY GONZALES!” When I call you name to come here, you only go faster in the opposite direction- you are most definitely your mothers child.  🙂

Here’s some of my favorite things about you (of course, I love EVERY single thing about you, my love):

-You are funny, you really love to make people laugh. You get that from both of us.

-You are stubborn- hard headed. You get that from both of us.

– You are a bread eater- but you love mushrooms, bananas and brussel sprouts. I am a health nut- but definitely not a bread eater. You get that from  your daddy.

-You are so sweet. You love to snuggle, and to give kisses (or as we call them “shuggies.”) You get that from both of us- we are both very affectionate and I hope we teach you the same.

-You are sensitive. Your feelings are easily hurt. That has been hard on me, when disciplining you. You get that from me. I am very tender-hearted.

-You love music. Like- really LOVE music. You love to dance. Your favorite is doing the “twist”- but recently you’ve started tapping your right food and going up and down to the music. You get that from both of us. Daddy and I both love to dance and love good music. We have sang and danced together, with you all over the house since you were tiny. We both have our songs we sing to you. I sing “Jesus Loves Me,” “You are my Sunshine,” “My Girl” and “Somewhere over the Rainbow” to you all the time. I also sing “You’e Gonna Be.” Daddy sings “Crazy Girl” “Blues Man” and sometimes R&B to you.

-You love your siblings. I think you think Aidan is a superhero- you literally get giddy over him when you see him. He’s been the same way over you since the day he met you in the hospital. He is VERY protective over you. You look up to Kennadee. You already want to play with her toys, and be everywhere she is- y’all give the sweetest hugs and she kisses you all the time. I’m so thankful you have both of them. You get that from both of us- we both love our siblings to death.

-You are so friendly. You don’t meet a stranger. You will literally go to ANYBODY. And you wave at everyone- sometimes even blow them kisses. You get that from me.

-You love the outdoors. It might be your favorite thing in the world. From a tiny baby if you were upset, all we have had to do is walk outside and you are soothed. You love to go on your pink wagon rides with Gigi. Gigi takes you and Rainey all over the place outside. You girls are so blessed to have her. You get that from both of us.

-You love your grandparents SO much. You are a Gigi, Grandad and Mimi sack! Daddy and I think its so funny to watch y’all interact. The love on both of your faces is the most special thing.

The list could literally go on forever. Your smile, your laugh, your sweet personality- you are everything perfect that God designed and he could have not given me a more precious child. You bless me each and every day. You make everyone around you so happy. I pray that you know how much you are loved every single day and that we tell you how beautiful and special you are to us, daily.

You are my sunshine, baby girl.

Happy Birthday!

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Farm-to-table jianbing kickstarter, mixtape taxidermy actually scenester. Asymmetrical tattooed locavore meggings YOLO organic.

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Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Phillipians 4:6


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