OH-KAY, sweet girl. Let me just go ahead and say, I totally did not forget to write your 21st month blog (it’s actually saved in drafts and just isn’t finished)- time just passed so quickly during January and it didn’t happen. I’m sorry. 2016 has started off with a bang and I truly don’t know why time feels like it’s on mock speed all the time. I really think at this point, I need to write a daily blog to keep up with all the new things you’re doing. I’m sure that I will forget to write about something amazing you’ve done since December 14th…but nevertheless, here it goes.
Your Christmas activities were quite a bit this year. Not only did you have your school program you also had Graham Christmas, Christmas eve fun with Rainey, Christmas morning at our house, and Gigi’s house and then down to Mimi’s. It was a full celebration for a few days!
Dice rolling queen! Every year, we play LRC (left, right, center) dice game. We play with $1 bills and have a ton of fun. This year at Graham Christmas, you wanted to play- so naturally, we let you. You totally took over the game and almost won twice! (you literally got down to the last roll- soooo close!)
Although you only have one great-grandfather here on earth, you went to see both of them for Christmas. You hand delivered Doc’s Christmas gifts, and you went with me to see Papa’s grave and put out his new flowers. That was a tear-jerking moment for me, and still is. When we got there you kept saying “Papa, Papa.” I know he saw us there, I know he smiled.
Build-a-bear…So, I’ve been holding out on taking you to BAB for a while. Most of your peers have already been there at least once, and some much more- but I really couldn’t justify the trip so this year- we did it! Gigi went with us and I told her if you showed no interest, we would leave and that would be perfectly fine. You LOVED it! You literally picked out your bear (or reindeer in this case), heart, music, outfit etc. You did it every step of the way! We named her Glitzy. 🙂
Christmas Eve with Rainey, T and Nae Nae! Boy did we have FUN! We ordered pizza and you girls had a total blast making crafts. Y’all both certainly have minds of your own and it wasn’t long until y’all were full-fledged body painting! You know Uncle T had a fit- we couldn’t quit laughing. You girls took a bath together and got squeaky clean! We made ornaments, clay hand print keepsakes, and painted Christmas wreaths with sponges. I hope we can keep this tradition up!
Christmas MORNING! I literally was so anxious and could not wait to see you wake up! This Christmas Santa was very good to you. You got a pink trampoline, a big tent, and a bouncy horse. Gigi and Grandad came down and videoed. The trampoline took the cake but since then you LOVE your tent and your horse!
For New Years we went out of town and you experienced your FIRST SNOW! I was SOOO excited (thinking you would be too)…WRONG. You hated it. HA!
There is no doubt that you have a mind of your own and that you 100% want to pick out what you wear most of the time, nowadays. Sometimes your choices are, well…interesting. 🙂
You have started to really love to play with my hair. This can get a little dangerous for me sometimes because you’re a tad bit aggressive. But you love it- and we have fun. For Valentine’s I got you your own play curling iron, blow dryer, brush, and clips.
Here is something I will record- but not love to talk about. You had the highest temperature and were the sickest I’ve ever seen you in January. Your temp went to 104.6 and I was a nervous wreck. We had you in the doctor’s office several times. After about 2 weeks you finally came out of it. You also learned how to blow your nose like a champ so that I didn’t have to use the “boogie sucker” as I call it.
You’re still VERY much into makeup, and have now gotten into my concealer (mind you- you knew exactly where momma puts it) and also you got into my brand new bronzer while you were in the bathtub. You had bronzer from head to toe- and all over and in the tub.
Potty training is going pretty good! You picked out your own big girl Minnie Mouse themed potty and you love to sit and talk to Minnie. You pretty much only wear pull-ups now, other than the times I’m trying to use up the diapers I still have for you. You will tell us “tee tee” or “poop” now almost every time you go. 🙂 There have, however, been times when you take off your diaper and go pee on the floor. One step at a time, right? HAHA!
Your vocabulary is INSANE! Literally, you are talking so much now and it cracks me up. Most days when I walk in you greet me with the sweetest “Hi, Momma!” It totally melts my heart. You say “come on,” “let’s go”, “no _____” (example: No Mimi!) and are starting to really pronunciate your words very clearly.
Roping- you have learned how to swing your arm like Grandad and say “rope.” It’s hilarious and too cute. I know Grandad is total jello around you all the time, but the first time he saw you do this, I could tell his eyes lit up.
Your facial expressions are literally THE best thing ever and you keep everyone laughing. We all watch you so intently to see what face you’ll make next.
I love you BIG, Lincoln Adele. My heart absolutely BURSTS every time I see your sweet smile, and hear your precious little voice. You are my angel.
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Life can feel overwhelming when you're carrying the weight of shame, pain, and struggle. But there’s hope—and it starts with surrendering your story to God.
There was a time when I didn’t feel courageous at all. My life was filled with health battles, toxic relationships, and coping mechanisms that only left me feeling emptier. Every day felt heavy, and I believed I was too broken to be whole again. But then… BUT GOD.
God took my mess and turned it into a powerful message. If you’re in a place of struggle, I want you to know this: I understand, and I’m here for you.
The Courageous Woman Project is a faith-based journey designed to help you heal, grow, and strengthen your walk with God. This isn’t just another course—it’s a transformational experience written by God and facilitated by me to help you step into the courageous woman He created you to be.
You are not alone, and your story isn’t over. Join the Courageous Woman Project and let God transform your life.
Strength Through His Grace
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Phillipians 4:6
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