You are changing every single day. But one thing that has stayed the same is that you have the biggest personality and you love to entertain. (I can’t imagine where you get that from 😉 ) Gigi says it’s often like looking back in time because you are so much like I was as a child. I love that you love to make people laugh. I adore that you are the friendly baby in the restaurant, waving and smiling at people across the room, playing peek-a-boo with an elderly man that just thinks you’re too cute. I love it so much. I hope you are always that way. I hope that you always love on people, and show it. I think you will have the gift of making people laugh, and it will be how you show God shining through you to others. I pray He shines through you, my sweet baby.
Your newest “tricks” (in which you totally create and imagine on your own) are:
– bending over laughing hysterically for no obvious reason, just becuase you are you- and life is funny. 🙂
– dancing on que – you really have some moves girl. You love to twist, tap your right foot, and bend up and down, up and down. I tell you “BOOM, SHAKALA, BOOM SHALALA.” You say “BOOM” back. 🙂
– I ask you “How much does Mommy love you?” And then I say “THISSSSSSSSSSS much” and you open your arms as wide as they go. It makes my heart soar.
– I’ve taught you “all done” when you’re done eating. The techinal sign language is a very organized, wave of both hands together in a downward motion- you, my creative, and unique child have a little different spin to it (I wouldn’t expect any less.) You similate a calf roper that just tied his calf in 5 flat. Hands are together in the middle and then move very quickly in an outwards motion. Mommy knows your language, and I think it’s perfect.
– You LOVE books. Like, really, REALLY, love your books. I find you in your room playing with your books often nowadays. When you get quiet, I get nervous, but when I find you in your books you just look up at me and smile and I can’t help but giggle because you’re so insanely cute.
– You are an organizer. It’s funny, really. Every night, at bath time, you have to hand me all of your babies (I call them your babies, they are animal bath toys.) You have Ducky the duck, Sealy the seal, Sandy the squirrel, Gracie the goose, Allie the alligator, Goldie the goldfish, Willie the whale, and Fergie the frog. Of course, I came up with those names- aren’t they great? 😉 You look at me very seriously and tell me “Ma” which has become your universal language for just about every request you make. I know by now that you want to put them in my hands. Sometimes, you want me to put them on my chest and keep them there.
– I taught you to make the sound “MMMMMMMMMMUAHHH” when you give “shuggies” that what we call them. Your daddy and I taught you that at a very young age. And you LOVE to give kisses, sometimes you just keep your lips pressed to ours and kiss over and over. You’ve lately started looking up at me, if you’re in my arms or laying beside me and you give me a look- and I know- I know exactly what you want. You want, and you need a kiss. I will never ever deny you of that my sweet girl. I love your shuggies the mostest! ❤
– You have started being very adamant about feeding yourself- and let me tell you, you make it KNOWN that YOU are more than capable of doing so. Mommy prefers things that are easy to “stick” on a fork rather than things like rice and beans that get slung around everywhere- good thing for Emmy. I am patient with you, though, and I love to watch you learn. You get so excited and you are so proud of yourself when you successfully feed yourself.
You my darling, are 3 days away from turning 14 months old, and I am truly not sure how that happened. It’s like the world has just started going at an even faster rate. I can’t believe some days that we can hold hands and walk together down Mimi’s sidewalk- weren’t you JUST my sweet little tiny bundle that fit perfectly on my chest and made tiny little sounds?
I have started reading a new book to you at bedtime called “You are my Heart.” And you are exactly that. You are so loved by so many people sweet love. Your smile, your laugh, the way you hug so tightly, and pat us on the back, are the most cherished things by all that encounter your prescense.
I love you to the moon and back,
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Life can feel overwhelming when you're carrying the weight of shame, pain, and struggle. But there’s hope—and it starts with surrendering your story to God.
There was a time when I didn’t feel courageous at all. My life was filled with health battles, toxic relationships, and coping mechanisms that only left me feeling emptier. Every day felt heavy, and I believed I was too broken to be whole again. But then… BUT GOD.
God took my mess and turned it into a powerful message. If you’re in a place of struggle, I want you to know this: I understand, and I’m here for you.
The Courageous Woman Project is a faith-based journey designed to help you heal, grow, and strengthen your walk with God. This isn’t just another course—it’s a transformational experience written by God and facilitated by me to help you step into the courageous woman He created you to be.
You are not alone, and your story isn’t over. Join the Courageous Woman Project and let God transform your life.
Strength Through His Grace
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Phillipians 4:6
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