16 months! Seriously Miss Lincoln Adele- how on earth are we already here? My oh my sweet girl- time has passed so fast and you are developing and changing every single day. I want to tell you what the number 16 means- it is symbolic of love and loving. I don’t think this could be any more perfect. You my child, are THE most loving baby I think I’ve ever been around. Truly. You not only give the BEST hugs and kisses- you are kind, you are sweet, and you are compassionate. Some might say- how on earth could a 16 month old show compassion? Well- let me tell you sweet girl- you have a love for animals that is unwavering. It is the sweetest sound to hear when you see the chickens, dogs, horses or cats and you “call” them with the animal sounds we have taught you. I’m thankful for your love of animals.
Your newest cutest thing (and as your mommy I think ALL of everything you do is cute. Yes, even your fits. 🙂 ) you do is a motion with your hands. Mimi taught you this we figured out. When you want someone you now take your hand, fingers up, palm up and motion all your fingers at once to “come here” or “pick me up.” The first time you did it I thought my cheeks were going to hurt from smiling so big. I giggled and then of course picked you right up! ❤
You have figured out how to get into EVERYTHING. Literally. You think it’s the greatest thing in the world- I think you are brilliant and very clever so although it creates a mess, and I worry about what you are getting into, it follows with “Wow, now how in the world did she think of that?” The world is your playground baby girl!
You are drinking out of cups and regular water bottles like a champ. Gigi is on a mission to get you off of your sippy cups- I am not ready for that because after all, you are my BABY and I don’t want you to be a big girl just yet. Sippy cups it is when Momma has the choice. That being said, I think it’s truly amazing that you are able to take a water bottle, take off the cap on your own (after it’s already been initially opened and seal is busted), drink the water, and put the cap back on. I also think it’s amazing that you can take a HUGE cup and drink right out of it. 🙂
You have officially attended your first roping. I was skeptical and worried that you would be miserable- most kids, especially babies- hate them. Let’s say this, ropings are fun ONLY when either A) You’re in them B) The person you went to watch is in the box and roping … So, all the in between down time can get quite boring. Not for you! You would have sat there all day long had we not made a shopping break 🙂 Every time Granddad rode by you would scream, clap and wave vigorously at him. It was the sweetest- I know you have been his greatest fan and he was happy to have you there cheering him on. After all, your good luck must have worked- he won 2 ropings that day! He might keep us coming with that kind of luck 😉
16 months since the first day I laid my eyes on you. To say “since I met you” wouldn’t be true. I met you a long time before that- I think that’s one thing (among the many) that is so special about a mothers bond- we have known our children for the longest time and got to spend 40 weeks nurturing and caring for our baby before the world ever even knew them. I love that.
Lincoln Adele, these past 16 months have absolutely without a doubt been the best, most rewarding, precious memories and moments of my life. Every single day when I see your sweet face my whole world lights up. Every morning when I kiss your forehead, and every night when I kiss you goodnight- perfection is all I can see.
I love you my baby. Happy 16 months! ❤
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Life can feel overwhelming when you're carrying the weight of shame, pain, and struggle. But there’s hope—and it starts with surrendering your story to God.
There was a time when I didn’t feel courageous at all. My life was filled with health battles, toxic relationships, and coping mechanisms that only left me feeling emptier. Every day felt heavy, and I believed I was too broken to be whole again. But then… BUT GOD.
God took my mess and turned it into a powerful message. If you’re in a place of struggle, I want you to know this: I understand, and I’m here for you.
The Courageous Woman Project is a faith-based journey designed to help you heal, grow, and strengthen your walk with God. This isn’t just another course—it’s a transformational experience written by God and facilitated by me to help you step into the courageous woman He created you to be.
You are not alone, and your story isn’t over. Join the Courageous Woman Project and let God transform your life.
Strength Through His Grace
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Phillipians 4:6
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