Well, where do I even start off? The past month has been a blur it went by so fast- I’m not too sure how we are already half way into September, but nevertheless- here we are!
Baby girl- every single day you are growing up. Too fast- entirely too fast for your momma! I titled this with an emphasis on the “teen” because sometimes I really think you think you’re a teenager. It’s cute- and makes me laugh all at the same time. You are so wise for your age. Some might thing I’m just partial (and uh- what mother wouldn’t be) but even your doctor says your far ahead of the learning curve. I love to watch you learn. It makes me so happy to see you exploring and doing new things on a daily basis- you definitely keep us on our toes!
This past month you have done several things…
– taken your 2nd trip out of state to Ruidoso, NM for Memorial Day. Most of our family was there to watch Uncle T’s amazing horse Kiss My Hocks- boy do you LOVE the horses! Several people commented on your attentiveness to the races. At the horse sale you bet on your first horse and helped the sale get a horse over the $50K hump- the bid spotter was your best friend that night. 😉
– you can say “Happy,” “Ty”, “Nay Nay”, “Bobby,” “Cady,” “Boo boo” and you call BC “BB.” Your vocabulary is growing on a daily basis. When you start talking in full sentences were all in for a ride, I think! 😉
– you have learned to shrug your shoulders and hold both palms up to say “I don’t know.”
– every night when we say our prayers you hold your hands together and when I’m done you say “Amen!”
– you’ve gotten your first boo boo- we had to put a tiny bandaid on your finger. You showed Grandad and were very proud of your bandaid…and then took it off shortly after.
– you are a climber. 😁 Momma, Gigi and Mimi aren’t fans of this little trick. The higher the better in your mind- it definitely keeps our hearts and feet racing! You can climb up into your high chair now and up the slide. You’ve learned how to go down the slide, too.
– you are still not a fan of your swing set. You really hate to swing. It petrifies you! Grandad and Gigi bought you a large swing set for your first birthday…hopefully the swings will be put to use someday. Whenever you’re ready!
– you give the best hugs in the world! You really squeeze tight and hold on forever. You melt my heart every time you do so.
– you have always been a great eater but most recently you’ve taken an interest in salsa. You get this honestly- momma loves spicy food and I ate jalepenos and lived off chips and salsa when I was pregnant with you. You also love onions! It’s the funniest thing. You must get that from Grandad. You like catfish dipped in tartar sauce. You really like anything condiment wise. You get that from me- I’m a “dipper!”
– you’ve become quite opinionated on your dress. I thought for sure I was clear of this until you were 3 or 4 but you proved me wrong. If you don’t want to wear something- you most definitely let me know. Especially shoes! You’re a “shoe horse” as Mimi says. One thing Gigi has always said “you can make an inexpensive outfit look expensive with the right pair of shoes!” I’ve got that covered for you- don’t you worry. Your feet are always stylin! 😉
Our bond grows every minute were together and I can’t thank God enough for choosing me to be the one that gets to be your momma! Everyday that I look into your gorgeous big brown eyes I see God. It’s nothing short of a miracle. Life as we know it has drastically changed over the past few weeks and months but you have been resilient and amazing. I hope to always instill being a strong, courageous woman in you. I have no doubt you will be!
I love you my princess. Happy 17 month birthday! 💗
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Life can feel overwhelming when you're carrying the weight of shame, pain, and struggle. But there’s hope—and it starts with surrendering your story to God.
There was a time when I didn’t feel courageous at all. My life was filled with health battles, toxic relationships, and coping mechanisms that only left me feeling emptier. Every day felt heavy, and I believed I was too broken to be whole again. But then… BUT GOD.
God took my mess and turned it into a powerful message. If you’re in a place of struggle, I want you to know this: I understand, and I’m here for you.
The Courageous Woman Project is a faith-based journey designed to help you heal, grow, and strengthen your walk with God. This isn’t just another course—it’s a transformational experience written by God and facilitated by me to help you step into the courageous woman He created you to be.
You are not alone, and your story isn’t over. Join the Courageous Woman Project and let God transform your life.
Strength Through His Grace
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Phillipians 4:6
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