Ok, seriously child? How are YOU, my precious little angel baby girl 18 months old? Um, does this mean I have to start calling you “a year and a half?” Sorry, but that just sounds entirely too grown up for me! This month I have taught you to “be momma’s baby” which means you let me hold you like a newborn and sing to you. You think it’s funny, and it brings me back to the newborn days, so we are both happy!
18 months old. Let’s reminisce on the last month and what all you have accomplished.
- You took your first flight! You did SOOOO good! No tears and you were SO excited! The flight attendants gave you your own set of wings and one of them carried you out of the plane. I’m convinced you and I are ready to travel the world now! I can’t wait to take you everywhere and show you wide open spaces.
- You started school this month. Mother’s Day Out, that is. You go 2 days a week and you’re loving it! I was extremely skeptical, and to be perfectly honest- not too thrilled about this new adventure. When I saw the school list and ordered you a backpack, lunchbox, and nap mat- reality hit me a little too hard. You of course, took to school like a professional and have been doing so well. On your first day Gigi and I dropped you off, you kissed us and told us goodbye and then went back to loving on your teacher and friends. It made me so proud. I thought for sure that I would cry on that first day, but because of how amazing you are, you calmed all my fears and worries and there were no tears. 🙂
- You have started potty training. You have now successfully accomplished going #1 and #2 in the big girl potty! Some days you’re not so keen on the idea and promptly tell us “NO” when we try- we are patient with you and know that you will do it in your own timing.
- You are perfectly proportioned. We went to see Dr. Prochnow the week before school to make sure you were up-to-date on your shots and we found out you are 85% across the board on height, weight and head. Dr. Prochnow told me that you’re perfect and ready for beauty pageants. I already knew you were perfect (DUH), and we will see about the pageant part. I will support whatever venture you decide to go down. Gigi and I would be sure proud to see you walk across that stage, though. You got 4 shots this go round- OUCH. 😦 But you always take them with such grace, and the tears stop about 1 minute later. That’s my girl!!
- You sing. In fact, last night- you took the hand mixer out of the cabinet and used it as a microphone. I was sitting at the kitchen table and turned around to watch you. It was hilarious and too cute! The best part was that I hadn’t taught you to use that as a microphone- you did that all on your own. We use the hairbrushes and curling irons as mics normally. I’m proud of your love for music. I got my guitar out again this month and you were in awe of watching me play and sing. I hope you stay in love with music- it can heal your soul and take you to places you never thought were possible.
- We have taught you “pretty please” and “thank you.” You’re from the south, and I refuse to have an ill-tempered child. Manners are important baby girl, never forget that. Mimi has taught you “Ta-Ta” for thank you. It’s so funny.
- Elmo. Your first thing you’ve become attached to. Gigi has a book that has Elmo in it and so you learned to say his name. After your first week of school, I told you I would buy you an Elmo toy for doing so well. We found one at Wal-Mart and he hasn’t left your side. He sleeps with you, and virtually goes everywhere. And if he’s not around, you don’t hesitate to tell me to find him. 🙂
- Swinging- as I’ve said before, you haven’t loved your swingset you got for your 1st birthday. You would slide, but the fear that comes over you when you are put in the swing is terrifying. Last week you were taught to swing on your stomach on the big girl swing. You’re a champ now!
- Itsy Bitsy Spider and If You’re Happy and You Know It- you now know how to do the movements and dance moves to both songs. When Gigi or I sing them, and they end you look at us with a serious face, eyebrows bent and tell us “More, More!’ We would do it a million times just to see you smile.
- 1st Pumpkin Patch- we went on a little date with Charlie and Molly this past weekend to the Elgin Christmas Tree Farm. You had a blast! We rode the train, did the hay ride, saw the animals, and of course, played in the pumpkins. The Alpaca’s were your favorite part of the entire thing. You were memorized by them and didn’t want to leave their pens.
- MOM. Ok, baby girl, this one is going to be documented- however, I am not loving it too much. You started calling me “MOM.” And you say it just. like. that. I look at you and ask you what my name is and you then will say “Momma” but you occasionally still call me Mom. I thought this wouldn’t happen until you were like, uh, maybe 15? Not 18 months old. No way. 🙂
- Sleeping. You go “night-night” like clock work now. You take a bath, we do our book, prayers and sing Jesus Loves Me and then we hug, say I love you, and give goodnight kisses. I lay you down in your bed and cover you with your blanket and you go fast asleep. The other night you say “Bye!” I just giggled. Last night you say “Night Night Momma” as I was walking away. You have no idea how sweet a sound that is to my ears. ❤
- “TWO” is one of you favorite words right now. I’m not sure it’s just because you’re a genius and know that that will be your next birthday, or if you just like the way it sounds. Either way, you’ve got it down! You also are saying “A, B, C.” Smart girl!
You my beautiful girl, are so free-spirited, a lover, a fireball, a full-force to be reckoned with, a fashionista, and a friend. You are everything and more that I could have ever dreamt of in a daughter. When I hug and kiss you everyday, I just have to smile, and try not to cry. It’s a feeling that is truly inexplainable. 18 months ago- my life was changed and you brought a new-found meaning to what living is about. I am the luckiest mother in the world to have you in my life and experience you every single day. I pray that you always know how loved you truly are
Happy 18 month old birthday Lincoln Adele! I love you BIG.
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